Monday 8 July 2013

Step by Step Guide - DIY Flowers Wreath - 7 types of flowers

I am delighted that my future brother in law's little girl, Willa will be my flower girl and his son, George will be my ring bearer on my wedding! Little Willa is only two years old and has beautiful big blue eyes. Last time we skyped, she repeatedly said "I am going to be a flower girl! I am going to be a flower girl!" I am so glad to hear lil Willa is excited about her new role! Yesterday, I spent all afternoon making her a flower girl's flower wreath!

Here is the tutorial of how to DIY a Flower Wreath. I have included 7 different types of flowers - you don't have to make them all, simply choose the flowers you like! 

If you have more than one wreath to make, I suggest you to make a batch of flowers first then arrange the flowers to create the wreath at the end.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *  Flower 1: Loop Flower * * * * * * * * * * * *
• 4" x 6" felt 
 standard scissors

Step by steps: 
> Cut a stripe of felt in rectangular shape, measures 4" W x 10" H,   
   this will give you a Loop Flower in approximately 3" in diameter.
> Fold the felt stripe into half, lengthwise.  
> Hold the felt tight in one hand, use scissors to cut the "folded" side in even 
   intervals, approximately 1/2 or 3/4 down, try to keep all cuttings (length 
   and gaps) consistent!
> Once you have finished cutting, roll the felt stripe slowly, this will form 
   the Loop Flower's shape. 
> Continue rolling until the felt stripe is used up. 
> Now hold the scroll tight, grab a threaded needle to sew the rolled felt 
> Tah-dah! You have your first beautiful Loop Flower! 

> Loop flowers can be used as gift wrap toppers too! Simply add a Loop
   Flower on top of a wrapped gift. It is extremely easy to DIY and it is
   extremely presentable! 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *  Flower 2: Stripy Flower * * * * * * * * * * *
• 4" x 6" felt 
 standard scissors

Step by steps: 
> Cut a stripe of felt in rectangular shape, measures 4" W x 10" H 
   (similar to the Loop Flower), this will give you a Stripy Flower in  
   approximately 3" in diameter.
> Fold the felt stripe into half, lengthwise. 
> Hold the felt stripe tight with one hand, this time cut the "unfolded" side in  
   even intervals, approximately 1/2 or 3/4 down.
> After cutting, roll the felt stripe and the shape of the Stripy Flower will
   gradually appear.
> Using the same method as the Loop Flowers, sew the rolled felt with 
   thread to ensure all layers are tightly sewn together.
> Tah-dah! Another beautiful Stripy Flower is created!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *  Flower 3: Heart Flower * * * * * * * * * * * *
• approximately 6" x 6" felt 
 standard scissors
 x 6 - 10 pieces of wood pegs
• x 1 glue gun
• x 1 glue stick
 x 3 poms poms

Step by steps: 
> Cut out 10 to 12 petals in heart shape, about 1.5" long, try to keep 
   each petal more or less the same shape. 
> Use the hot glue gun to apply a small amount of glue on the tip of the 
   heart shape.
> Fold the tip, immediately use a wood peg to hold the folded area 
   together. The wood peg avoids the folded area from bouncing apart.
> Repeat the same step for all petals.
> While the glue is drying, cut out a round shape (1.5" diameter) using 
   the same colour felt.
> Once the glue is dried, remove all wood pegs.
> Glue the petals onto the round shaped felt one by one, here I glued two 
   layers (one on top of another) to create more dimensions.
> Finally, put a blob of glue in the centre of the flower, place the poms 
   poms on and let dry.
> There you go, a Heart Flower is created!

> Remember to use a SMALL amount of glue when applying to the tips of the 
   heart shape, this avoids the glue from spilling out when you fold it, which 
   may burn your fingers!
> Use a small glass container, such as a tea light holder, to rest your   
   hot glue gun when you're not using it, it stops the glue from leaking 
> Never touch the hot glue gun when it is on, it is piping hot! (I burned my 
   fingers twice making this wreath, oucch!)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * Flower 4: Round Rosy * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
• approximately 5" x 5" felt 
 standard scissors
• x 1 glue gun
• x 1 glue stick

Step by steps: 
> First you need to cut TWO felt circle shapes:
   Circle Felt (1): measures 3" in diameter - this forms the Rosy 
   Circle Felt (2): measures 1.5" in diameter - this forms the base of the Rosy
> Now, pick up Circle Felt (1) and start cutting again. You can cut from any 
   point, cut in a spiral shape by rotating the felt and stop once the spiral 
   reaches the end.
> After cutting, pick up the end of the spiral and start rolling the felt clockwise, 
   the shape of the flower will begin to form.
> Hold the scroll tightly with your finger tips, secure the flower shape by 
   gluing the bottom onto Circle Felt (2).
> Viola! You have one little Round Rosy!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * Flower 5: Curvy Rosy * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
• approximately 5" x 5" felt 
 standard scissors
• x 1 glue gun
• x 1 glue stick

Step by steps: 
> Curvy Rosy uses the same method as the Round Rosy! The only difference is 
   that you will cut the Circle Felt (1) in wavy shape instead of a circle shape!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * Flower 6: Ziggy Rosy * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

• approximately 5" x 5" felt 
 zig-zag scissors 
• x 1 glue gun
• x 1 glue stick 

Step by steps: 
> Ziggy Rosy uses the same method as the Round Rosy and Curvy Rosy! 
   The only difference is that you will cut the Circle Felt (1) with a pair of Zig-
   Zag scissors instead of the standard scissors. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * Flower 7: Baby Buds * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
• felt in assorted colours
 zig-zag scissors OR standard scissors 
• x 1 glue gun
• x 1 glue stick
• a handful of poms poms 

Step by steps: 
> First, use the zig-zag scissors to cut the felt in circle shapes. Each circle 
   measures approximately 3' in diameter.   
   (If you don't have the zig-zag scissors, you can use standard scissors too!) 
> Then use your standard scissors to cut the circle shape into two, try to keep 
   one piece slightly bigger than the other.
> Layer the two pieces of half circle felt together with the slighter bigger one 
   on the bottom.
> Now, roll the felt into a cone shape and glue the areas where the felt  
   overlaps, then glue the pom pom inside the cone. 
> Within seconds, you have created a batch of Baby Buds!

* * * * * * * * * * * * Flower Wreath Arrangement  * * * * * * * * * *
Besides making felt flowers, you can also make some leaves to be used as decorations. Simply cut the felt in leaf shapes and decorate them however you like to, as simple as the image below!

OKAY I think you're now ready for the most exciting and the very final step - gluing everything together to create the Flower Wreath!

For the base of the wreath, I have used a piece of long ribbon. (You can also substitute it with a plastic hairband.) Choose a wider ribbon (mine is 1" wide) with a smooth silky finished. The length of the ribbon depends on the head circumference of the Flower Girl! Since my little Willa is in the UK and I am not sure about her head circumference, I used this online chart as my guideline!

Trying arranging the flowers on the ribbon first. It is a good idea to put the bigger flower separate from one another so the final design does not look too cluttered. Once you have come to an arrangement that you're pleased with, start gluing everything onto the ribbon! 

Voila! You have a beautiful handmade flower wreath for your flower girl! 
She will be very pleased with it and smile in every single of your wedding photographs!