Wednesday 6 November 2013

Five Minutes with Kalo Make Art - by Smitten, Carmen Weddings

Whenever I meet new friends, I always introduce myself as a bespoke invitation designer. Most people react with a face of confusion, while at the same time, intrigued by exactly what I do. Once I explain my job a bit more, they ask interesting questions which turn out to be great ice breaker. 

I realised I hardly write much about myself on the blog. Guess I am just generally a visual person and feel more creative with images than words. But I figure a few of you maybe interested to get to know me more!? :)

Today I spoke with Carmen from Smitten on my lifestyle as a designer and artist behind Kalo Make Art. Thanks Carmen for such great opportunity to talk about my work as well as showcasing my wedding invitation designs on your lovely blog.

For the complete interview, please visit Smitten by Carmen Weddings



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